United States Magistrate Judge
Chambers Information
Street Adress:
United States District Court
100 N. Church Street, Suite 520
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88001
Telephonic Conferences:
To be connected to a telephonic conference, dial 855-244-8681 and enter access code 2314 983 7724.
(Sealed conferences will receive different call-in information.)
Telephonic conferences are normally recorded. If a party wishes to request a copy of the recording, they must email a request to chambers (copying opposing counsel) within 14 days of the call and fill out an Audio Recording Order Form. Recordings are periodically purged.
Chambers Email:
Criminal Matters & Scheduling/Courtroom Deputy:
CV Proposed Orders/Text:
CR, MJ and PO Proposed Orders/Text:
Requirements for Proposed Orders:
Proposed orders must be sent to martinezproposedtext@nmd.uscourts.gov after the filing of any unopposed motion. They should be submitted in Microsoft Word format (as .docx files), with 1" margins, be justified, and use Times Roman font, size 12. Further, they must indicate the approval of all parties by including the electronic signature of all parties at the end of the document.
For additional contact information, see www.uscourts.gov