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Juror Information

Welcome to the Juror Information page. From this page you can complete questionnaires and manage temporary excuses through eJuror, find out more about serving as a juror from the  Juror Frequently Asked Questions page, and learn about the jury process in our Resources section.

Below are samples of the documents you may receive. Please select the document that you received for more information and instructions. If you need additional information, please contact the Jury Division.  If your packet includes a Court's Special Jury Questionnaire, you will not be able to complete your questionnaires through eJuror. Please complete all questionnaires in paper and return them in the self-addressed, postage-paid envelope included with your questionnaires.

Notification of Jury Service

Did you receive this form?

If you received a Notification of Jury Service from the U.S. District Court, you are being considered for jury service. You must complete a Juror Qualification Questionnaire and a Voir Dire Questionnaire no later than ten (10) days after receipt of the Notification of Jury Service.

These may be completed online through eJuror. If you prefer to complete hard copy questionaires, you may contact the Juror Information Line at 1-800-240-6366 and select Option 2 to request hard copy questionnaires be mailed to you. You will need your participant number, located at the top of the Notification of Jury Service. For additional instructions on what to do next, click on the form above or click here.

Summons for Jury Service

Did you receive this form?

If you received a Summons for Jury Service from the U.S. District Court, you have been called to report for jury service. You must report at the date and time as indicated on the Summons. For additional information on reporting for jury service, click on the form above or click here.


Public Notice on How Jurors are Selected: The court randomly selects jurors from the list of registered voters, by computerized method. This selection process creates the Master Jury Wheel. From the Master Jury Wheel, petit jurors are randomly selected for a two-month term of service and grand jurors are randomly selected to appear for selection for a twelve-month term of service. These randomly selected jurors are mailed a Notification of Jury Service and instructed to complete a juror qualification questionnaire. Jurors are qualified based on criteria established in the Jury Selection and Service Act.