Welcome to the Court's attorney information page.
Practicing in Federal Court
Attorneys must be admitted to practice in the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico, or associate with attorneys who are, when appearing in a case filed in this court.
- Admissions, Application and Bar Dues information
- Request for Certificate of Good Standing (pdf) (docx)
Administrative Orders & Local Rules
Administrative Orders and the latest version of the Local Rules for the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico may be obtained by clicking here.
Filing and CM/ECF
The CM/ECF Administrative Procedures Manual is a valuable resource which provides information on such topics as signatures and verified documents, service and notice, document access restrictions, and transcript redaction procedures. For information about opening a case, filing your pleadings and general CM/ECF procedures, click here.
JERS (Jury Evidence Recording System)
Click here for instructions on submitting and formatting evidence via electronic format.
The Judicial Council of the United States has adopted a schedule of fees to be charged for services performed by clerks of the district courts pursuant to Title 28, U.S.C. 1914(b), 1926 and 1930.
Jury Information
The jury system for the District of New Mexico operates pursuant to the rules set forth in the local jury plan. Usually, 6-8 jurors are selected for a civil jury trial, and twelve jurors and two alternates are selected for a criminal trial.
Juror Questionnaires. Juror questionnaires are available to counsel one week prior to a scheduled jury selection. Once questionnaires are available, each active attorney on each case will receive a confirmation number via an email to the primary email address on his or her CM/ECF account. The confirmation number will allow each attorney to download the questionnaires using CM/ECF. Attorneys are responsible for ensuring their CM/ECF account information is up to date. Inquiries regarding juror questionnaires may be directed to the Jury Department at 505-348-2070.
- Trial Settings and Voir Dire. Inquiries regarding trial settings and voir dire should be directed to the courtroom deputy of the assigned trial judge.
- Jury Instructions. Procedures for preparing jury instructions for each judge are available here.
Civil Pro Bono Panel
By Order dated October 18, 1995, a plan was implemented which provides for appointment of counsel in those pro se civil actions where the court finds such appointment is warranted. The plan allows, within specified guidelines, for reimbursement of costs up to $2,500. Application for additional costs may be approved upon a showing of good cause. Additionally, attorneys may receive training and CLE credit in selected areas of law without costs. If you are interested in becoming a member, an application for membership must be completed and submitted to the Clerk.
Court Reporters/Transcripts of Proceedings
For information about obtaining a transcript of a court proceeding, please click here.
Cost Bills
After a judgment has been rendered, the prevailing party has 30 days to file a Motion to Tax Costs. Please refer to D.N.M.LR-Civ. 54 for a list of taxable costs. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 62 for the details regarding stays of enforcement proceedings.
Criminal Justice Act (CJA)
Pursuant to Title 18 U.S.C. § 3006A of the Guide to Judiciary Policies & Procedures, the Court has established and implemented a plan to provide for adequate representation to any individual who is financially incapable of retaining counsel. For more information on our Court's CJA plan or becoming a member of our CJA Attorney Panel, please visit our CJA Information Page.
Garnishment is a remedy for securing satisfaction of judgment subject to specific qualifications. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 64. To begin garnishment proceedings, an Application for Writ of Garnishment is filed with the Clerk with a proposed Writ of Garnishment. No fee is required. Once a writ is issued, service may be made by a United States marshal, by a person expressly appointed by the court, or by a person over the age of 18 years who is not a party to the action.
Registration of Judgments for Enforcement in Other Districts
A judgment in an action for recovery of money or property which has been entered in any United States District Court and which has become final by appeal or expiration of time for appeal, or when ordered by the court that entered the judgment for good cause shown, may be registered by filing a certified copy of the judgment in any other district. 28 U.S.C. § 1963.
- If the judgment was entered in this district but is being registered in another district, the Clerk will prepare a Certification of Judgment for Registration in Another District (form AO 451). Please refer to the schedule of fees for the certification fee amount; copying charges for the judgment will also apply.
- If the judgment was entered in another district but is being registered in this district, open a miscellaneous civil case and file the completed Certification of Judgment for Registration in Another District (form AO 451) with a certified copy of the judgment attached. A miscellaneous case number will be assigned. Refer to the schedule of fees for the filing fee amount.
Subpoenas in civil cases need not be issued by the Clerk, although the Clerk still has that authority; a court seal is no longer required. An attorney may issue and sign a subpoena as an officer of a court in which the attorney is authorized to practice, or a court for a district where a deposition or production is to be made, if the attorney is authorized to practice in the court where the action is pending. Fed. R. Civ. P. 45(a)(3). Executed subpoenas need not be filed with the court.
Writs of Execution
"A money judgment is enforced by a writ of execution, unless the court directs otherwise." Fed. R. Civ. P. 69(a). The procedure "must accord with the procedure of the state where the court is located, but a federal statute governs to the extent it applies." Fed. R. Civ. P. 69(a). No fee is required. Service of the writ may be accomplished by a United States marshal, a sheriff of any county of the state, or by anyone expressly appointed by the court. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 62 for the details regarding stays of enforcement proceedings.
The Bar Association of the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico
The Bar Association of the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico was established on November 17, 1995. Its purpose is to encourage communication among members in order to identify and resolve problems causing unreasonable delays and costs for litigants; to seek equal justice for all litigants; and to engage in other activities which promote, encourage, establish and maintain timely and equal justice in this Court at the lowest practical cost. To become a member, a completed application for membership is required. There is no fee for membership, but applicants must be admitted to practice in this court.
Annual Federal Bench and Bar Fund Spending Plan Reports can be found here.
WiFi Access for Attorneys
The United States District Court for the District of New Mexico in cooperation with the Federal Bar Association now provides wireless Internet access to Federal Bar Members in the Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Las Cruces federal courthouses. WiFi access is available in the attorney lounges and all courtrooms of each courthouse. Although courtrooms have access to WiFi, it may be used only with the permission of the judge. WiFi enabled printers are available in the attorney lounges of each courthouse.
WiFi access is secured using the 'Wi-Fi Protected Access 2' (WPA 2) protocol and requires a key to access. The key will change monthly and is available from any Federal Court Clerk's office intake counter, Courtroom Deputies or from the Circuit Librarians in Albuquerque.
Please familiarize yourself with the WiFi Acceptable Use Policy and the WiFi Detailed Information.