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Court Reporters and Transcriptions

Transcripts of Proceedings

To obtain a transcript of a court proceeding, arrangements should be made with the court reporter present at the hearing. You may obtain this information by reviewing the clerk's minutes for the specific hearing. Please note that a separate form must be completed and submitted for each court reporter covering hearing(s) in a given matter.

To obtain a transcript of an audio recorded hearing, contact a certified transcriber/transcription service or court reporter and provide the following information:

  • Case Number
  • Case Caption
  • Hearing Judge
  • Hearing Date
  • Type of Hearing
  • Hearing Courtroom
  • Deadline

Requesters may contact any certified transcription service or court reporter for this purpose. The Court cannot refer or recommend any specific transcription service or vendor.  For a list of certified transcribers/transcription services and court reporters, we suggest you make an appropriate online search through a common search engine.

The court reporter or transcription service you select will contact the Clerk's Office.  The Clerk's Office, in turn, will make the requested hearing available to the court reporter or transcriber/transcription service.  Payment is made by the requesting party directly to the court reporter or transcriber.

Note: For transcription services wishing to do business with the US District Court, District of New Mexico, please obtain a copy of the "Transcriber Quick Reference Guide for DNM Digital Audio Recorded (DART) Transcript Requests." Complete and submit the forms contained therein:  1) AO 213, PACER account access and PACER Fee Exemption Application. Once we receive the completed forms we will conduct a test run with your office. If eligible, you will be put on a rotation for requests originating internally from the court (i.e. a judge-ordered transcript.) As noted earlier, attorneys are advised to contact the transcriber of their choice and follow the steps above.

Forms, Guides and Instructions

Transcript Request Form (Appeals) [pdf] [doc] (with instructions) when ordering transcripts for appeals to the Tenth Circuit.

Transcript Order form (AO-435) (with instructions)

CD/Tape Order form (AO-436) (with instructions)

Maximum Transcript Rates

Maximum Transcript Rates for transcripts ordered on or before September 30, 2007

Realtime Policy Revision Notice

Transcriber Quick Reference Guide for DNM Digital Audio Recorded Transcript ("DART") Requests (These are instructions and forms for transcribers wishing to do business with our court.)


Information regarding transcripts of hearings transcribed by a court reporter can be obtained by calling the court reporter directly, or by contacting the court at 505-348-2000For information regarding transcripts of hearings recorded audio digitally, please call Records at 505-348-2020. For convenience, the following is a list of the court reporters and their contact information.

Court Reporters

Mary Loughran
Judge: Johnson
Phone: 505-348-2334

Jennifer Bean
Judges: Browning
Phone: 505-348-2283

Fatima Sanchez
Judge: Gonzales, Brack
Phone: 575-528-1446

Andrea Lynch
Judge: Riggs
Phone: 505-348-2093

Vanessa Alyce Chavez
Judge: Strickland, Brack
Phone: 575-528-1430

Carmela McAlister
Judge: Urias (previously with Judge Vazquez)
Phone: 505-348-2094

Paul Baca
Judge: Garcia (previously with Judge Herrera)
Phone: 505-348-2023

Irene Delgado
Judge: Vazquez, Herrera
Phone: 505-348-2091

Email questions to Transcript Questions

For transcripts from court reporters no longer employed at the court, judges not listed, or for any other questions regarding transcripts, please contact the court at 505-348-2000.

(Note: the most recent court reporter to have left court employment is Julie Goehl, who was assigned to Judge Riggs until December 2021. For transcripts of hearings reported by Ms. Goehl, please call her directly at 505-263-7309.  For transcripts of hearings reported by John De La Rosa, who was assigned to Judge Parker and Judge Hansen, please call him directly at 505-280-8895.)

Information regarding the digital audio recorded transcripts or the court file can be obtained by calling the Records Section of the Clerk's Office at 505-348-2020.

FPD and CJA Attorneys

Federal Public Defenders: Please submit an Authorization for Transcript form to the appropriate court reporter or transcriptionist.  If the transcript is for an appeal, you must also file a Transcript Request Form (pdf or doc) with both the District of New Mexico and the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals. A separate form must be completed and submitted for each court reporter covering hearing(s) in a given matter.

CJA Attorneys: You must complete an Auth-24 through CJA eVoucher and submit it to the court. The court will review and, if accepted,  will approve production of the transcript under CJA.  Once the transcript is completed, the court reporter or transcriptionist will submit a CJA-24 voucher through CJA eVoucher which will require your review. You must complete this review timely to ensure the court reporter or transcriptionist can be paid timely.  If the transcript is for an appeal, you must also file a Transcript Request Form (pdf or doc) with both the District of New Mexico and the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals. A separate form must be completed and submitted for each court reporter covering hearing(s) in a given matter.

To obtain a copy of a digital file for a purpose other than creation of the official transcript, contact the Records Section of the Clerk's Office at 505-348-2020; the cost, regardless of the medium, is outlined in the current Schedule of Fees. CJA attorneys and government agencies may obtain tapes or CDs at no cost.