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Contact Information

Phone: 505-348-2020
Fax:      505-348-2028

Requesting Copies of Records

Your request must be in writing and can be made via email, mail, fax, or in person to the Records Section at the U.S. District Court Clerk's Office.  The following information should be included with your request:

Case number
Case caption
Document number (if applicable)
Number of copies requested

If you do not have your case number or document number, please contact the Records Section for the necessary information. If placing your copy request at the Clerk's office, you may use the public computers to search the court's database at no cost.

Copy requests, in general, may be completed within 2-3 hours, but will take more time if it is for multiple documents, the case has multiple volumes, or the record has been archived. 

If you are requesting certified copies, you must follow the same instructions as listed above. In general, requests for certified copies are completed in 8 hours.  The charge for certified copies is set in the Schedule of Fees

Copy requests for sealed documents can only be made by counsel of record. The request must be made in person and proof of identity is required. Copies of ex parte motions or orders issued on ex parte motions when sealed, may be requested only by the party who submitted the motion. Otherwise, copies of sealed documents are provided only upon Motion and Order of the Court.

The Records section will contact you to notify you of the cost of your request and when your copies will be ready. You will be responsible for making arrangements with the Records Section for payment and obtaining the copies.  You must remit payment to the clerk's office prior to receiving your copies.

Archived Records

If the case and/or documents have been archived, there is a required retrieval fee (see Schedule of Fees) in addition to the copy costs and may take up to 10 days to process.  Case older than 20 years and designated as permanent records may have been transferred to NARA.  The Records section will notify you of who to contact and what information to provide if your request falls into this category.


See Schedule of Fees for copy, request, archive retrieval and duplication costs.

Audio Files

To obtain a copy of an audio file for a purpose other than creation of the official transcript, contact the Records Section the cost, regardless of the medium, is outlined in the current Schedule of Fees.


Please see the Court Reporter and Transcriptions Information Page for more information.

Expungement of Record

Expungement of record is governed by several federal statutes and case law.  Expungement of record may occur for offenses involving the possession of a controlled substance and in juvenile delinquency proceedings.  The court has inherent, discretionary authority to order expungement in other cases, but that authority is rarely utilized absent extreme circumstances.  The filing of an application for expungement is required.  See 21 U.S.C. § 844a(j) and 18 U.S.C. § 3607(c).