Financial Services Department
Phone: (505) 348-2145
Payment Information
Payments are accepted by mail or in person at the Albuquerque, Las Cruces, or Santa Fe Clerk’s Office with some restrictions as below. See Court Locations for hours, directions, and mailing information.
- Cash payments are only accepted in person at the Albuquerque or Las Cruces locations. No change can be provided, so please bring the exact amount due when paying filing or court fees with cash. See Schedule of Fees.
- Money orders and checks should be made payable to “Clerk, U.S. District Court”, and reference the applicable case number on the payment. For mailed in payments, include a stamped, self-addressed envelope to receive a receipt copy by mail.
- Personal checks or debit/credit cards are not accepted for payment of Penalty Assessments, Fines, Restitution, or an Appearance Bond unless otherwise ordered by the court.
- Filing and other fees, Attorney Admissions, and Attorney Bar Dues may be paid with a credit or debit card in person at the Albuquerque or Las Cruces locations, but preferably can be made online using the U.S. Treasury’s internet payment service called See Attorney Admissions information and filing information for details.
Court Registry Information
No funds shall be deposited into or disbursed out of the registry without a court order.
Funds ordered to be placed in an interest-bearing account will be invested in the Court Registry Investment System (CRIS) in accordance with Administrative Order 16-MC-04-50. For questions on interest or registry fund balances please contact the Financial Services Department.
- Court registry deposits are accepted via Fedwire transfer. You may email Financial Services for the applicable Fedwire form, including the case number and CM/ECF docket number for the order authorizing the deposit in your communication. The Fedwire form will need to be completed and provided to your financial institution to initiate the transfer. Please be sure to include the case number in the “Originator to Beneficiary” section of the form. Once initiated, Fedwire transfers typically process in 2-3 business days. Upon receipt of funds, the Clerk’s Office will send a Notice of Electronic Filing to the applicable parties.
- For disbursements out of the court registry, if the payee(s) disbursing information is not incorporated into the court order, each payee should complete an AO213P form (IRS W9 form may also be acceptable) and return to the Financial Service Department. Include the subject line “Registry Disbursement" and reference the applicable case number. Please note that payments to attorneys or law firms require the completion of an AO213P or W9 form.
- All payments are disbursed by the U.S. Department of Treasury in Kansas City, Missouri. Amounts under $500,000 will be issued via U.S. Treasury Check unless Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is requested. For an EFT, an AO213P form must be used (complete Part 6 of the form) and a copy of a voided bank check submitted with the signed form. Payments of $500,000 or more must be disbursed via EFT.
Court Ordered Restitution
Restitution is paid to the Clerk of Court, and subsequently disbursed to the victim(s) pursuant to the court’s order. The Clerk’s Office disburses available funds on a monthly payment cycle, but does not have information on when a defendant may pay any restitution owed or the ability to enforce the court’s restitution order. For questions on debt enforcement, please contact the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of New Mexico at (505) 326-7274.
- Victims who have been awarded restitution are encouraged to keep their mailing address current with the Clerk’s Office to ensure any available funds can be disbursed. If necessary, a Victim Address Change Form can be completed and returned with the required supporting documentation. Please contact the Financial Services Department to request the form if you have changed your address. The Court retains the discretion to determine whether written documentation provided by a victim or a victim’s qualified representative is adequate evidence to support a change of address.