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2015 Federal Bar Dues

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

With the concurrence of the Article III judges, the Federal Bar Dues for 2015 have been set at $25.00. Delinquent payments for prior years must still be made in order to maintain good standing. You may now pay any current or delinquent prior year dues online through your CM/ECF account. Please see our Guide to Paying Federal Bar Dues for instructions on making an online payment.

For information on payment status, please submit your request to Alternatively, you may contact the court at 505-348-2000 (Option 4: Attorney Information, Selection 1: Attorney Admissions).

NOTE: Payment of bar dues ONLY applies to attorneys admitted to the USDC DNM via a Petition for Admission. If you appeared in a case under D.N.M.LR-Civ. 83.3(a) as an outside of district attorney, bar dues ARE NOT owed.