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***REMINDER*** Next Generation CM/ECF (NextGen) is Coming – Action Required!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Second Important Notice from the U.S. District Court, District of New Mexico – Upcoming CM/ECF Upgrade – Action is Required.

The U.S. District Court, District of New Mexico will be upgrading its CM/ECF software to the Next Generation of CM/ECF (“NextGen”) on April 20, 2020. On that date, attorneys will no longer be able to log into their CM/ECF accounts as they currently do. Instead, attorneys will log into CM/ECF through a Central Sign-On (PACER) to electronically file documents.

If you have not already done so, current filers are reminded to complete steps #1 and #2 in order to prepare for NextGen and to continue to electronically file:

1) BEFORE APRIL 20, 2020 - ATTORNEYS WILL NEED TO OBTAIN THEIR OWN INDIVIDUAL UPGRADED PACER ACCOUNTS. (Accounts created after August 11, 2014, are already upgraded accounts.)

Each attorney must have a unique individual PACER account. To obtain a new PACER account or upgrade an existing PACER account, please visit (select “Register” to obtain a new PACER account; select “Manage My Account” to upgrade an existing account). Shared PACER accounts will not work with NextGen.;


If you do not know your current CM/ECF login or password, please click here to get started. If you have difficulty using the password reset feature, please email the CM/ECF Help Desk for assistance at

3) ON OR AFTER APRIL 20, 2020 - YOU MUST LINK YOUR CM/ECF ACCOUNT TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL UPGRADED PACER ACCOUNT IN ORDER TO FILE. Upon first login on or after April 20, 2020, you are required to link your accounts by accessing the Utilities menu in CM/ECF and selecting the “Link a CM/ECF account to my PACER account” option. Step by step instructions on how to link your CM/ECF account to your upgraded PACER account are available on our NextGen Information Page.


For more information, please click here OR visit Any questions may be emailed to the NMD CM/ECF helpdesk at